First post from my new lappie- I'm completely in love with it. I've yet to unlock all of its glorious features and capabilities, but so far it's been smooth sailing. It's nice to be back on a Mac.. my PC was fine, but I was raised on Macs, so they'll probably always just make more sense to me.
I'm at Glenn's right now (and most days, really.) We were going to go to the zoo today, but I don't think either of us were really feeling it for some reason. Mostly because of money.. but we decided a random drive to Leavenworth would be much better. It was gorgeous the entire way there; I think we both end up feeling so congested by the city sometimes that we need to randomly just get the fuck out for awhile. The air smelled so clean when we got really high up into the mountains, and everything was so quiet and green. I couldn't help but wonder if I'd have an artistic breakthrough of sorts if I could just get away for awhile, and find some peace away from friends/noise/everything. But that's probably just me making excuses for my laziness. The fair in which I'm selling a couple of paintings is coming up on Friday.. I wish I'd taken the time to paint more. But I need to be proud of what I did. Hopefully I'll sell maybe one or two things, and it will boost my confidence a bit. Fingers crossed.
I hate that feeling of needing to brush your teeth. That sour, food-is-rotting-on-your-gums feeling. I need to take care of it now.